I have logged many a mile on early morning runs listening to ol’ Bob Edwards when he was on “ Morning Edition,” and I enjoy a number of National Public Radio programs today. Any entity that can claim enemies like Jesse Helms and Rush Limbaugh must be doing something right. That said, their utterly predictable "P.C. uber alles" take on things drives me nuts sometimes. As a case in point, I invite your attention to the following sequence of email exchanges that cut into the Ol’ Bloviator’s jealously guarded Spring Break writing time yesterday:
Wednesday, March 11, 2009 10:40 AM
To: cobby@uga.edu
Subject: National Public Radio, ON POINT
Professor Cobb:
This is _______ from the NPR show ON POINT. Thursday March 12th, from 11-noon ET, we’ll spend an hour talking to film critic Molly Haskell’s new book “Frankly, My Dear: Gone with the Wind Revisited.” She looks at the movie and the book and talks about how they still resonate today, how Scarlett is a woman of the ages.
I’m looking for someone who can come on for about 15 minutes during the hour – around 11:30 am ET. Someone who has thought long and hard about Gone with the Wind and its influence on our national identity, the impact of Scarlett, etc …
I wonder if this is you … and if you might be available tomorrow, by phone.
OBto Self: "So, do I want to do this? This is a good show. I've been on it before. But it's certain to eat up two hours of writing time, and you can’t even get it here."
Self to OB: "Gimme a Break!! You know you're going to do it. You love to talk about GWTW. Besides, even if it isn’t available locally' it has a lot of listeners nationwide and you know what an incurable ham you are."
OB to Self: "OK, I forgot all that, particularly the last part."
From: JAMES C. COBB [mailto:cobby@uga.edu]
Sent: Wednesday, March 11, 2009 11:46 AM
To: ___________
Subject: RE: National Public Radio, ON POINT
Sure. I saw the NYT review, but I don't have a copy. I'll try to get one. Can I do this from home or will it need to be from our local NPR affiliate? If you need to call my cell is ________. Thanks, Jim
From: _________
Sent: Wednesday, March 11, 2009 11:48 AM
Subject: RE: National Public Radio, ON POINT
I’m about to walk into a meeting where we’ll talk about this hour. Before I confirm, is there a chance I could talk to you for a moment or two this afternoon? I’d love to get your take …
OB to Self: " Hmm…"
Self to OB: "Hmm…"
OB to Self: "Ah, what the hell..."
Self to OB: "Hmm…"
From: JAMES C. COBB [mailto:cobby@uga.edu]
Sent: Wednesday, March 11, 2009 11:52 AM
To: _________
Subject: RE: National Public Radio, ON POINT
Sure, just call. I'll be around. jc
Wed 3/11/2009 1:47 PM
To: cobby@uga.edu
Subject: National Public Radio, ON POINT
Hey Professor Cobb:
So, I just walked out of the meeting … and everything has changed. There was a NPR piece run a few years ago by ________ and her growing up African-American and her love of Scarlett. The host was real keen to go in that direction. Hence, I’m going to have to take a raincheck. I’m sorry to cancel!
OB to Self: "Well, I’ll be damned. I got bumped by a re-run."
Self to OB: "That’s about the size of it, Red Rider, but don’t tell me you’re surprised! Didn’t you know 'NPR' means 'Not Partial to Rednecks'?
From: JAMES C. COBB [mailto:cobby@uga.edu]
Sent: Wednesday, March 11, 2009, 2:34 PM
To: _________
Subject: RE: National Public Radio, ON POINT
Roy Blount says southerners actually get a kick out of being stereotypical. Maybe that applies to NPR hosts as well. Luckily, I picked up your message on my way into the bookstore. Thanks for letting me know so quickly. Cheers, Jim
OB to Self: "Well, that should send them a strong message, don't you think?"
Self to OB: "Sigh..."